Marion County Senior Citizens, Inc. will be re-opening their facilities on June 1, 2021 after being shut down on March 19, 2020 due to COVID-19 Pandemic.  Our agency has tried to develop guidelines so that all seniors may participate regardless of whether they have been vaccinated or not. Therefore, the following guidelines will be used at our separate facilities.  All facilities will have signs at all entry points stating:  No Vaccination, Mask is required to participate in activities until June 20, 2021.  After that date, masks will not be required. We ask that you limit personal items brought into the buildings and that you always keep your personal items with you. Hand sanitizer will be placed throughout the buildings for participants use.  Please do not attend the facility activities if you are ill and/or not feeling well.  To not follow this directive could cause our facility to have to shut down in case of an outbreak.  All the rules that are being implemented are to help to mitigate the chances of that happening.  Our agency facilities will still maintain using social distancing guidelines to help protect the health of attendees in case not everyone is vaccinated.  At the present time we will not have card playing at our facilities due to the inability to social distance.  Once herd immunity is declared and/or our health officials in Marion County feel that it is safe, this restriction will be lifted.

All our facilities exercise rooms will allow only two participants at one time so that social distancing guidelines may be followed.

All facilities will be sanitized throughout the day.

Signage has been placed in all senior centers dining area reminding all participants to social distance and proper handwashing.  Sanitizer may be found throughout each of facilities for participants to use while engaging in activities at our centers.

All centers will have their donations boxes placed on a table with hand sanitizer for those wishing to donate for their meals.

The following guidelines are established to cover the uniqueness for each facility.  Each building requires their own guidance on how congregate meals and group activities are being handled due to the floor plans and size of each facility.


Everyone entering the Fairmont location for lunch and group activities in our dining hall will enter through the front single door off the main parking lot.  Upon entry, each person will proceed up the steps ensuring that no one is coming down the steps in order to maintain social distancing.  Each participant will have their temperature taken and logged at the employee attended table prior to entering the dining hall. For those participants that cannot do steps, the upper entrance with a ramp will be available.  At each entrance there will be a table for temperature checks and a log sheet.  The designated areas for signing in and logging temperature will also have sanitizer available for use.  Everyone else entering the building for other business will proceed through the fire door and stop at the second door on the right to have their temperature logged prior to proceeding to their destination.  At the present time and until further notice, there will not be general visitation between employees and visitors to the center.  Keeping interaction limited to purpose driven only as to help mitigate any possible exposures.  Therefore, staff hallway will be off limits to participants unless they have an appointment with a staff member.

Our dining hall will be set up with 15 tables with 2 chairs per table.  Tables and chairs are placed to allow social distancing.  A designated employee will oversee delivering each participant their meal.  Once the participant is finished in our dining hall, they may either use the ramp exit or exit to the stairs.  If utilizing the stairs, participant needs to make sure no one is coming up the stairs.  Once the participant has reached the main floor, they can use the exit door to their right.

For our participants that wish van pickup as they previously had, please call transportation and inform Rick and/or Tom Waskis.  Due to our Grant 5310 funding, all participants using van pickup will be required to wear a mask regardless of vaccination.  We will be using our bigger van so that social distancing may also be maintained.  Depending on the number of requests for transportation, we may have to schedule more than one pickup time.  You will be notified of the estimated time of arrival.


All participants will be entering the building through the front entry.  They will stop at the temperature table just inside the doors, temperature will be taken and logged.  Next, they will stop at the hand sanitizing station before entering the dining room.  The tables will be set up 6 feet apart and only two participants per table. Therefore, Mannington will have 15 tables set up at their facility for the participants.  A designated individual will be delivering meals to each seated participant.  Arrows are in place to direct the participants upon entering and exiting the building the direction they must follow.

All activities at the North Marion/Mannington Location will be following social distancing guidelines to accommodate participants that may have not been vaccinated.  If an activity cannot be completed while social distancing, the activity will be postponed until restrictions are lifted.



Everyone will enter the building using the back entrance.  Upon entering the building there is a temperature table in place along with a sign in log and hand sanitizing.  Participants will follow the hallway toward the dining room using the directional arrows to guide them.   Participants will continue to follow the arrows to the numbered tables.  The size of Fairview will only allow for 7 tables and 2 chairs at each table to maintain social distancing.  Maximum capacity for lunch will be limited to 14 individuals in the dining hall.  An additional table will be set up outside the dining hall to allow for two more individuals. Therefore, Fairview may have two lunch periods and days that more than 14 individuals desire to have lunch at this facility. After first lunch is served and completed the building will be shut down for 30 minutes to allow staff to sanitize for the second lunch period.  Therefore, Fairview’s lunch times in Fairview may run past the 12-1 designated hours.

We will keep our participants informed of the status of any changes being made to the above plan and/or when our facilities will be able to return to normal activities without special guidelines.  This information will be announced at lunch, in our newsletter, our agency Facebook page, our agency website, community calendars of the local radio and television stations.

The Board of Directors and Staff would like to thank every one of our participants for their patience during this time as we await being able to return to normalcy.
